Eligibility (For IIP Summer internship only)

The TIGP-IIP welcomes applications from overseas candidates of the following status:

  1. Undergraduate students who will have been conferred a B.S. degree by August 2026.
    (Or students who will have been conferred a B.S.+M.S. dual degree by August 2026.)
  2. Students pursuing a Master's degree and holding a B.S. degree.
  3. Individuals holding a B.S. or Master's degree (student's pursuing a PhD degree are not eligible for this category)
  4. Students/ Individuals who have attended TIGP-IIP program before are not eligible to apply again.
  5. Those who are currently employed or research assistants at Academia Sinica are not eligible for the IIP program.

The “Create Account” button will appear when the application starts on 1st of January, 2025.

Department of International Affairs, Academia Sinica
128, Academia Road, Section 2, Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan
